You are probably aware that distrust of vaccines produced in partnership with China in Brazil is high. But what little is said is that China is the largest producer of inputs in biotechnology in the world.
Learn more about China’s impact on global drug production!
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50% of people would not get a vaccine from China.
23% of people would get a US vaccine.
35% of pharmaceutical inputs in Brazil come from China.
In a recent survey by Datafolha, 50% of respondents said they would not take a vaccine from China even if it had been approved, against only 23% in the United States, 26% in England, and 36% in Russia.
Brazil, like other countries, already imports a huge amount of medicines and pharmaceutical inputs from the Asian country. The truth is that most of the medicines produced in Brazil today contain inputs from China.
The year 2020 was marked by the COVID-19 pandemic and this had a strong impact on the numbers of the pharmaceutical industry worldwide, including Brazil-China relations.
Inova China is the hub solely dedicated to building bridges of innovation between China and Brazil. We offer the tools and insights for a successful strategy.
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