The “fintechization” of the world is already a reality, especially in China. There, the financial services revolution is largely driven by the massive adoption of digital payment systems such as Alipay and WeChat Pay. But the presence and weight of digital banks are also growing.
Are names like WeBank, MYbank, and AliBank new to you? To understand more about the topic, visit our full infographic!
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China concentrates 64% of the global rate of financial technology adoption
Valued at $220 billion, AntGroup is the largest fintech in China and the world
421 million Chinese access online banking, equivalent to 30% of the country's population
The first 100% digital Chinese banks were launched around 2015 and were all designed and financed by the country’s big techs. This is the case of WeBank, the largest digital bank in China, which has more than 200 million account holders and was established by Tencent — the WeChat developer company that has even invested in the largest digital and fintech bank in Brazil, Nubank.
In addition to Chinese big techs, the state also promotes important investments in the modernization of the country’s financial services, seeking leadership in blockchain technology. The largest state-owned banks already allow the opening of wallets quoted in digital yuan. The Industrial and Commercial Bank of China online banking application, by the way, is the most used there, with 8.7 million active users per day.
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