In 2019, Elon Musk denied all possibilities of Tesla starting to manufacture hydrogen-powered cars. At the time, he reaffirmed his dedication to electric vehicles, as handling the element would be too complex and financially unfeasible.
In one thing he was right: the handling and transportation of hydrogen tanks still offer challenges. But that hasn’t stopped China from doubling down on hydrogen.
To learn more about the hydrogen production landscape in China and around the world, including its advantages and challenges, check out our infographic!
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China currently has 5,000 hydrogen-powered vehicles
By 2050, the value of the Chinese hydrogen industry is expected to reach $1.74 trillion
China accounts for 22 million tons of hydrogen annually, ⅓ of all global production
Even if producing hydrogen is not yet from clean methods, we are talking about a resource that can be easily obtained through greenways. Moreover, its burning releases only water and energy, generating more energy per unit weight than most other fuels.
Although a central policy has not yet been implemented, several provinces have gone after the limelight and turned the country into one of the largest hydrogen producers in the world.
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