Considered the internet’s future, the metaverse will completely change the way we work, shop, socialize and interact in the virtual world. China, being one of the leaders of innovation, it’s a huge competitor in this new scene. Understand why.
Get to know about what is Metaverse and how China bets on this new digital universe
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China is the second country in the world most associated with metaverse on online searches
Chinese companies registered more than 10 thousand patents related to metaverse on 2021
60% of the Chinese internauts and 78% of Chinese games consumers have an interest in interacting in the Metaverse
China is already the most digitized economy in the world. More than 1 billion people are connected to the internet.
In addition, the advantages of the Asiatic gigant on metaverse’s immersive technology start with its global leadership in 5G connections and the number of virtual and augmented reality hardwares.
Accessing our infographic you will be informed about how this technology is being developed in China and, consequently, the tendencies of the world.
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