In the last few years, coffee consumption in China has grown around 15% a year. It is transforming the country, traditionally a tea consumer, into one of the most promising markets for the coffee industry. However, Brazilian brands, despite being one of the biggest coffee suppliers to China, are rarely seen in supermarkets.
Want to understand why? Check out Inova China’s first report!
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In a 2019 live streaming, Starbucks sold more than 3,000 products in just 5 seconds
In addition, the company distributed more than 160,000 discount coupons within half an hour
China's darling, soluble coffee is preferred by 60% of the country's public
With 5 cups consumed per person annually, on average, China still lags behind other countries like Japan, the United States, and, mainly, Brazil, with 817 cups. On the other hand, its growth average, set at 15% per year, far exceeds the world’s, stagnant at 2%.
In China, at least 50% of the coffee is of foreign origin and, despite not having the same presence as competitors such as Malaysia and Vietnam, Brazil has already increased its coffee exports to the country by more than 110%.
Inova China is a hub solely dedicated to building bridges of innovation between China and Brazil. We offer the tools and insights for a successful strategy. Get custom studies! To learn more, please contact us!
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