Employing cutting-edge technology to promote women ‘s health and well-being solutions, the FemTech industry grows and wins new investments in China.
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China is the principal research and development center in FemTech in Asia
Government incentives and high female engagement in technology indicate growth in FemTech
Assisted reproduction is one of the most innovative and fastest-growing markets in China
Technology initially was a field inhabited only by men, therefore, it’s processes didn’t have the focus on women’s life and health. This scene has changed and the increased number of women taking up these spaces has made the industry turn its eyes to women necessities.
The technology companies focused on women’s health and well-being have grown and achieved more and more spaces in the international market, and in China it is not different.
Half of the Chinese population is composed of women and, because of that, the market potential for FemTech is promising. Furthermore, being one of the main innovation and technology centers in the world, China is a fertile ground for this scenario.
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